Thursday, October 30, 2008


Relocating from one part of the country to another is a daunting task especially if the family relocating has young children. The idea of having to cope with relocating furniture and everything in the home is really awesome.
Even though it may be easy to get transportation to move the items, it is challenging. It is also very expensive. Depending on the distance from the old location to new, the associated cost is enormous.
A typical example is a family of six, Father and mother with four kids who had to move from Toronto to Edmonton. The flight ticket alone for the trip was over $1200.They also had to pay the courier company that will move their furniture about $3000. In addition they had to initially find some kind of temporary accommodation in Edmonton for a few weeks pending the time their items will arrive. This was done with about $2800.By the time they included other miscellaneous item they had spent close to $10,000.The children also had to cope with changing school and many other environmental issues because it is an entirely new terrain.
Finally, I think it is well worth considering before embarking on relocating. I also think you must be financially buoyant to embark on a project like this at any time in one’s life.


Hasan said...

I tottaly agrre with you about the moving thing, the costs attached to it can make a sound impact both in your financial and mental position. so do think before one has to make such a huge decision.

Ihab said...

I believe that one of the most difficult decisions in a persons' life after marriage is relocate.

I had this challange when I decided to come to Canada as an immigrant, I think everone in the ABP class have passed it at least once.

Susan said...

Moving is very stressful, and the farther away you move, the harder it is.

How about your experience with moving, Yinka? Was it stressful for you?

zilahi adriana said...

Don't take it so tragic. Moving has also good parts. You don't get bored and you are just out of routine.